Sunday 16 December 2018

Sunday 16th - Anny and Nelson

What a time to find out your mobile phone doesn't work in America!

The taxi driver we secured just outside our hotel seemed a tad confused about the address in Pasadena we had given him, getting confused about South Pasadena (as in the area) and South Pasadena Avenue (as in the name of a street)! but we had felt reassured when we saw a building with the same number we were looking for on the street we had given him, so off he tootled once we had paid him.

Oh dear, there is more than one apartment with  the same number.... A, B.C, D etc..... which one is it? Let's call Anny....... oh oh, Minty's phone seems to have no credit, and then no service so cannot Whatsapp or even message on Facebook. The Beeb gets a connection that just rings out. We try other people we know are expected to be at Anny's luck, and then The Beeb's phone doesn't work anymore! Crikey, what if this is the wrong place - we are stranded in a residential area and no hope of getting a passing taxi!!!

So it is left to a door knock, one by one. The first two, although there are lights on, produce no response. It is not looking good. The Beeb goes to the upstairs apartments and then calls down - I found them!!! HUGE sigh of relief.

What awaited us was Nelson decked out in a Green Santa Hat and wearing fifty shades of polka dot and our host Anny, offering us food, delicious veggie lasagne and drink (beer and red wine).  It was great to see fellow UK travellers Paul and Ashley there too, and Anny's neighbours also joined the soiree. Illness has meant some other guests had to pull out, but the mini party was great.

It was not long before The Beeb had Anny's guitar in his hands and was leading a singalong. Anny brought out a bag of percussion so shake balls and tambourines were added.

Although we had been up for more than 24 hours by this point, we were still in the mood for a party :-)

Just a selection of the photos from Anny's

Brian sings a bit of Uncle Bob...........

When we got back to the hotel, the bar was still open so we thought we would check it out. After asking what kind of lager they served, expecting brands such as Budweiser, Coors etc, we were told Samuel Adams only. It was a dark lager, but it was cold and it was wet! Welcome to LA.

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